Thursday, June 30, 2011

Kiss ni Juuzoku - Kissing... is an Addiction!

Connected with a Kiss
by Ikemi Runa
Lilith: We were in a middle of a heist when suddenly...
Jean: Oh! A wounded thief! I'll take care of you!
Lilith: Why of all people... it's a noble who caught me!
Jean: There, there. Don't you worry. I'll nurse you and give everything you need. But of course there's a price.
Lilith: (I knew it. But I'll agree to anything in order to survive.) What then?
Jean: For every favor I do to treat you until you get better, in exchange, you should let me.... kiss you.
Lilith: .... say what?

Historical. Europe.
Kiss. Love. Thief. Noble. Slave.
Romance. Drama.

3.5 Hearts ---> LOVE

I find it pretty rare to see a shoujo manga full of kisses.... that ISN'T annoying.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

[C] - get Cash through Credit for a Chance to gain Control.. it's your Choice

[C]: The Money of Soul and Possibility - Control
of Tatsunoko Production
Directed By Kenji Nakamura; Written By Noboru Takagi
Kimimaro: I need to save money.
Masakaki: Hello Kimimaro! I have come to offer you a wonderful opportunity that will help resolve your money problems! I can lend you money.. any amount that you need IF you agree to become an Entrepreneur in the Financial District. You can become rich!!! So rich that you no longer need to do part time jobs! You can also hang out with friends like other university students, and buy things to impress the girl that you love! And no, there aren't any qualifications. Age, physical traits, and background don't matter. So what are you waiting for? Join us now and make your dreams come true~ We only ask for a small collateral in exchange....
Kimimaro: NO THANKS.

Contemporary. City. Japan. Fictional World.
Control. Money. Future. Collateral. Cards. Deal. Bankrupt. Economics. Midas.
Supernatural. Action. Romance. Drama.
Shounen and Seinen hybrid.

4 Hearts ---> ADORATION

[C] is no masterpiece..... but it got really close

Saturday, June 25, 2011

[C] - Episode 11 (END)

The last episode was finally out! I was so excited that I watched it as soon as possible~

And for the first time in blogging this series....

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Manga Discoveries: Reincarnated Whore, Bishie Assassin Pairs, and Anti-Radioactivity Girls (Extra: Blood Lad 9)

As usual, I want to add impressions on manga I've been catching up or following recently before introducing the manga titles I've just discovered.
The ninth chapter of Blood Lad is finally out and:
Ohmygods.... I'm already pretty hooked to this... and the introduction of the twisted brotherly "love" just made me more addicted to it!!! Last page was a freakin' cliffhanger though... I can't wait to know who that new girl is... and for the brothers to meet again already!

[ Sapphire Pyro's Manga Discoveries ]
From Left to Right: Yukarism > Messiah - Seiiki Ishuu > Coppelion
Favoritism: Yukarism >> > Coppelion > Messiah - Seiiki Ishuu

Writing style for first impressions of manga discoveries shall be different from other posts. For this type of entry, I'll be splitting myself into two persona:
(1) Sapphire - the girlie, considerate, and nice one;
(2) Pyro - the boyish, cynical, and mean one.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

[C] - Episode 10

This was so.... WOW.

Yeah, yeah, there are some plot holes, and some things aren't likely to be explained in the last episode. But flaws are ignorable when the good parts in it are over the top!!! xD

Oh this episode just made me more amazed with the series than I already am, and love the characters more than I already do =3


OMG, after finding out that Taketazaki is an information broker, I don't think I'm the only one who got reminded of my favorite from the series Durarara!!, Izaya Orihara. Taketazaki may not be a heartrob, nor is he as retarded as Izaya; they're both freakin' twisted and could help out the protagonists if they want to (In Izaya's case though, he's usually the "villain"). They do their jobs very well too and pretty much updated to technology. Izaya's online chatting and Taketazaki's "tweeting".... hahahahahaha! Oh information brokers like these are so much fun~

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Leviathan (Leviathan #1): Where World War I is More Advanced Than The Present

Leviathan (Leviathan #1)
By Scott Westerfeld, Keith Thompson (Illustrator)
Aleksander: I'm the Heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire... but there are enemies who don't want me to be. So I'm on the run!
Deryn: I really want to fly... so badly that I would dare to pretend to be a boy in order to belong to the Air Ship Crew! I don't really want to fight, but it's the only way I can fly!
Aleksander: Even if piloting is my only best skill, I'll do everything I can to save people... even if they would become enemies in the future!
Deryn: I met a strange yet nice boy during the war. He helped me, but I had sworn to the army. I have to surrender him to my superiors!
Aleksander: It was unfortunately a friendship doomed from the very beginning.

Alternate History. Early 19th Century. Europe.
Evolution. Machines. War. Charles Darwin. Royalty. Heir. Gold. Escape. Soldier. Eggs.
Action. Adventure. Sci-Fi. History. Fantasy. Drama.

2.5 Hearts ---> NEUTRAL
(4 Hears to the art~)

I don't find much YA historical fiction based on WWI; much more if they have a mix of sci-fi. What made me more determined to buy this as soon as possible, even if the hardbound version is pretty expensive, is The Art! The illustrations on the cover alone is already very irresistible.

Too bad, it looks like only the art is its greatest feature.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

[C] - Episode 9

I really love it when people point out more of the subtle awesomeness of this series even if it makes me feel stupid for not realizing that it's actually more awesome than I think it is, hahahaha!

Masakaki is the highlight of this episode for me, such a freakin' demon for having fun in watching humans make themselves miserable. Now that's what an actual demon is more like, not just some creature who has horns and resides in a place called "hell".

Monday, June 13, 2011

Summer 2011 Anime First Impressions

Like a lot of other bloggers, I have my own initial picks on the shows in the upcoming season as well. But I'll only highlight those I look forward to the most. If you want a less-biased type of season previews, I recommend either Psgel's or Sekijutsu's post. They've got more time to do these kinds of posts than I am. Why do a detailed lineup if other bloggers can do better? Hehe.

(I wanna watch this movie so badly!!! I miss this so much!! SENGOKU BASARA FTW!)
(scan by chan-chanz)

I could only blog one series per season, the lesser the episodes and if the airing time is close to the weekends, the better. I would also rather blog something I don't have, or don't have much, manga background. (It had been kinda boring to blog about something I had already seen before. )

I found a series that falls perfectly under those categories in Spring 2011: [C]

For this season, it's this series which I originally wanted to blog, but it airs AFTER the weekends =_= So I had to decide between these two candidates instead:

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Manga Discoveries: Bonded Forever, Sengoku High School, and Stolen Heart (extra: En Passant)

I've been behind on a lot of series I love so I've been catching up on them. One of them is En Passant.
The chess stuff in this series got me interested... it's cool that the main characters actually play chess piece roll, however it seemed to have a poor build-up on how the members are assembled =/ In other words, so far, I think the story and characterization are impressive... only the development is.. weh?
Ah well, I can ignore that if it has been enjoyable to read~
He is.... a very unusual character xD Love him~
It even has twin boys fanservice for me? And I love the leading guy and the leading girl as a couple *often despises shounen leading ladies*? I like that~ Oh I can't wait for the next chapter~

Alright, now onto the manga I've checked out recently~
From Left to Right: Itsuka Tenma no Kuro-Usagi > OO Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai > S.L.H. - Stray Love Hearts
Favoritism: OO Seyo!! Sengoku Gakuen Seitokai >>> Itsuka Tenma no Kuro-Usagi >>>>>> S.L.H. - Stray Love Hearts

I'm gonna be using different style in writing my first impressions on new manga starting with this post. I've split myself into two persona: Sapphire - the girlie and nice one; Pyro - the boyish and mean/cynical one. Enjoy~

Saturday, June 4, 2011

[C] - Episode 8

The following are some of the common reactions after watching this episode:
  • Amazement: OMG!
  • Curses: WTF! (or "F*ck!") or Sh#t (or "Holy sh#t!")
  • Complains: "Things are happening fast" or "I'm confused" or "My brain hurts" or "[C], why are you not making any sense?"
Mine's like a combination of all those reactions, I suppose:
*ehem* Okay, another version of the summary of my feelings:

"Wow... it blew me away. I love this show!"

In other words, the recent episode was full of surprises, and they happened in a really fast and impactful manner. Yet it didn't fail to impress me, and my love for [C] has not changed.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Manga Discoveries: Mythical Book Captor Darianne, "Perfect" City, and Culture Clash (Extra: DOGS: Bullets and Carnage)

Checking out more of the manga adaptations of the upcoming summer 2011 anime titles recently.
But before that, I want to:
One of the most romantic scenes of my OTP in DOGS but still... *cries like crazy*
DOGS is still awesome in its recent chapters~ B
ut I still complain on the lack of Nill. =_= I want more of her! Guuh...
*sniff* Okayz, back to main topic:
From Left to Right: Dantalian no Shoka > No. 6 > Ikoku Meiro no Croisée
Favoritism: Ikoku Meiro no Croisée > Dantalian no Shoka >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No. 6