Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring 2012 Anime Series - First Impressions

Finally, finally, I managed to check out majority of the series that will be debuting on the upcoming season.

The list is based on here and here.
But Ozuma's not included, because its first episode is already out. Kiddie shows aren't included either.
I've divided my list into three groups: the sequels, the titles I've read in manga form, and the others I have no idea about.

I don't really care about the art, or the staff behind a series. What matters most to me is the story; so if it's adapted from a manga, I'll only know a better idea of what it'll be about if I read the original. If it's not available, then the synopsis is my only basis.... but not all synopsis get to describe what the show is really about (it's just a teaser).
Of course, what's good and interesting to me can be otherwise to others.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

[Movie] Hunger Games

Hunger Games won as the most anticipated movie of the year. Naturally, people have high expectations of it. Especially that the book is well-received by critics and has won quite a number of awards.

I'm a huge fan of the book myself. Heck, it's my top favorite YA novel right now. So you've got an idea on how excited I was when I found out that it's getting a movie adaptation? xD Yeah, so excited that I went as far as getting advance screenings for it *_* So yeah, I've finally seen it and....

It did not disappoint.

Well, of course, the novel's still better, but the movie still did it justice.

No wonder it's been getting high ratings from critics so far. Before it even premiered worldwide, it's already around 90%, Keep it high xD

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Winter 2012 Anime Watching Part 6

Since I'm quite hooked to Aquarion EVOL right now, and my officemate happened to have the complete episodes of the prequel (Genesis of the Aquarion), I asked for his copy and started watching xD
I've only seen three episodes so far, then just spoiled myself a bit until episode 10.
How was it?
Well..... It was painful to watch.
I don't know what to say about the story... the characters... I hate MAJORITY of them. A complete opposite of what I think of the characters in EVOL, because in EVOL, I love MAJORITY of them. The only same feeling I have for the two series is that I hate the heroine, ahahaha!

Here's a quick character list:
The hero in Genesis, Apollo, is like a combo of Kagura and Amata. He's the winged dude like Amata, but acts like some wild dog like Kagura. Unlike the two, Apollo's too arrogant and bratty for my liking =_=

Kagura's more amusing... and I like the adorable pure pure Amata.
Sylvia's Mikono's complete opposite.... but I also can't stand her. I already got annoyed at her from the moment she showed up in episode 1. Her brother complex and her reactions during union creeps the hell out of me.

I'll endure Mikono anytime; Sylvia's just unbearable.
Sirius is like a Shrade (pretty powerful blonde) and Cayene (big bro thing) combo, but nowhere near as likeable as those two. She's the brother than Sylvia worships.... but he's not really that great =_=

Thank goodness Shrade's the BL fanservice type.
Reika's like the Cayene ('coz of the vision thing) and Zessica (someone the heroine is jealous of in a way) combo. I believe she's Sirius' love interest. But she's too angsty....sickens me.

Is this the reason why Shrade (Sirius) is into Cayene (Reika)? LOLz Oh thank goodness Cayene isn't as angsty as she is.
Pierre's Andy's counterpart.... but more on flames instead of holes.... not as much of a playboy as Andy either. He's no fun.

Sort of like little Yunoha and Sazanka equivalent..... not as shy as Yunoha of course. And I think she has lesbian fantasies over Reika (Sazanka's a fujoshi, on the other hand). Not that I dislike lesbian characters, but lesbian with glasses on a mecha series remind me of a creepy girl from Code Geass. *got the chills*

Yunoha's adorable~ She and Sazanka seem way more likeable than this girl T_T
Seems to be Jin + Mix equivalent? Since he's pretty knowledgeable to tech and stuff.... but of course, this one looks too dorky compare to Jin, haha.

Jin and Mix don't bore me. Love 'em.
This dude seems to be one of their superiors (but not exactly for just the male division). He's not bad for a comedic relief but.... I prefer Donar.

Donar shoots his subordinates in the a$$!!! YEAH!!!! Go Donar!!!
Female superior and a doctor, eh? She seems okay... perhaps more likeable than the nun in EVOL. She does more things compare to the nun too. 
This Toma guy seems to be the Mikage equivalent, and has some freakin' obsession with Apollonius (Apollo in his past life). I think he's okay.... just not

Mikage... HE'S CREEPY!!! This Toma guy is easier to tolerate.
This girl has the same outfit as the chairwoman....(perhaps they're related?). This one's okay... but I still prefer.....

FUDO is in both series, and he's the only fun character in Genesis (and he's just as fun in EVOL). He gets to show more of his kickass side in Genesis though (because Apollo's so rebellious and can't accept being defeated by Fudo in combat..... while Amata's an obedient little puppy)

He showed up in both series... and if they have a 12,000 year difference... that makes this guy immortal? o_O

So yeah, I really didn't like Genesis. If you want to check out the Aquarion series, I recommend that you start with EVOL. Just check out Genesis if you want to understand the series better (since even if you can start the sequel without seeing the prequel... there are still some things that would make more sense if you've seen the prequel), which is what I'm doing.
From what I've seen in Genesis and EVOL so far, I think Kagura and Mikono of EVOL are the reincarnations of Apollo and Sylvia in Genesis. So I'll have to endure looking at Sylvia for the sake of understanding EVOL better (hopefully).

Now.... back to my weekly anime xD

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Winter 2012 Anime Watching Part 5

Since Jin from Aquarion EVOL only shows his right eye, I thought he might've had an abnormal left eye (or none at all).... but it appears that there's nothing wrong with his other eye:
Perhaps he looks so girlie if both eyes are shown? Ahahaha....

Oh yeah, finally got a copy of the prequel (Genesis of Aquarion). Can't wait to marathon it *_* Hopefully it's as entertaining as the sequel (and the heroine's not as annoying as Mikono.... though I kinda doubt that *sigh*)