Saturday, May 9, 2009

Bakuman - Chapter 36

I love these lines when the duo saw many black vehicles outside the venue of the New Year's Party:
Takagi: Wh, what the hell are all these black cars? It looks like a bunch of yakuza!
Mashiro: I'm scared!
Takagi: And we're one of them . . . !
  • The chief assistant looked really impressive! He is so organized and does his job so well.
  • The duo didn't expect a female assistant. Shuujin had to ask his girlfriend to work with them so that the girl won't be alone with all those guys.
  • The third assistant has no experience and doesn't speak much. I wonder what's with that. Hopefully a background on him soon.
  • Nice that none of the assistants seemed to be an ass. They are decent people. Things were so busy on their first meeting while on the second one they were so quiet. It was really a good decision to have Miyoshi join in there. She makes things lively without being a bratty and annoying.
  • I have a feeling that the hunch of the chief assistant (I failed to remember his name) will come true: Detective Trap might not last long. But he says so himself that though he's goon in judging art, he's not very good in judging manga. But still, trends aren't that predictable. So who knows?
  • Having a serialized manga sure isn't simple, especially when it's still starting. It seems to be true that it's easier to play around once the manga has become too popular. Oh just take a look at all those mainstream anime. *sigh*
  • That new years party . . . I also wonder . . .what's with the black cars?! Haha! I mean, why ALL black? It's cool but all of the cars of the guests to have the same car . . . or maybe the authors were just having fun. Haha!
  • Eiji is the same wherever he goes, physically and mentally. Haha! He even still has those feathers! And he sure is friendly to everyone, even to rivals.
  • The other mangaka genius was introduced in this chapter: Hiramaru. I think he's the one who got serialized even though he only learned about manga recently. It seems that he's the unfriendly or cold type, but I don't think he'll be a bad person. Well, hope to learn more about him next chapter!


  1. I don't think there's any bad people in this manga. He will probably be the new rival. As you said, TRAP won't last long. But argh. I don't want to read about them starting all over again.

  2. @ T_T
    I don't think there's any bad people in this manga.
    == Seems like it. I admire this series for not having the typical shounen rivalry ^_^

    He will probably be the new rival.
    == Yeah. less friendly compare to Eiji, but most likely they'll still be in good terms

    As you said, TRAP won't last long. But argh. I don't want to read about them starting all over again.
    == Oh I hope that won't happen.
