Saturday, June 27, 2009

07-Ghost - Begleiter

07-Ghost is focused about Teito's story and his adventures with the Church people. How about we get to know more of what it's like with the bad guys? Specifically Ayanami and company?
This oneshot was released before the current 07-Ghost series like the Pilot chapter! It's entitled "Begleiter", refering to the military attendants of the current series!

Like the pilot chapter, it had differences from the serialized version. Like for one thing, the main character is someone completely different. It also focuses more on the military side of 07-Ghost's story. We see some familiar characters (Ayanami and Hyuuga).

Possibly the background and story presented here may have relation to the current serialized version. I hope there is but there's still the possibility that there's no connection. What I'm talking about is the fact that Ayanami and Hyuuga used to be university classmates. Well, I guess it's still safe to assume that even with their selves in the current series, but at least it was clarified here why Hyuuga calls Ayanami "Aya-tan". And he's actually pretty annoyed being called that way (in the current version he just ignores or doesn't mind about it). It also seemed that they have been friends for a long time that Hyuuga really understands Ayanami the best.

Anyway, the story here isn't exactly about Ayanami, but a military graduate who got assigned to Ayanami's division. He only had Hyuuga and this boy though. And of course, being evil as usual, he tormented the boy with a lot of work load. Haha! But soon the boy got used to it and actually started to enjoy his work. Even around Ayanami (the scenes where he teleports to Ayanami's table had been really cute and funny~).

Ayanami had been cold to the boy at first (sorry, as you may have noticed, I forgot his name! Ehehe . . . and I'm lazy to recheck) because he doesn't want to become attached like the previous one who had died to protect him. The main character started to have the same devotion to Ayanami though, and fortunately he didn't die like the previous one. In the end, we get to know that Ayanami had actually become attached to the boy for being himself, not as a replacement for the one he died.

I find it funny that they use the term "marriage partner" to the relationship Ayanami has to his close attendant. Haha! Ayanami could be adorable and lovable if he wants to~ And he may act like your super evil main villain in the current series, but in here we get to see that he's actually a good guy just doing his job much better compare to other military officers. Though I think Ayanami of the current series is also like that. He may have been doing cruel things, but his main goal is to protect his country, and he will do any means to do it. Hehe.

Oh, another funny thing in this chapter is that Ayanami sees the boy as having PUPPY EYES! Haha! He knows moe when he sees one. Bwahahahaha! It really cracked me up!

And of course how could I fail to notice that there are twin boys in this chapter! Yay! Too bad the twin brother of the main character didn't exactly do much except boasting about his accomplishments, and glomping and adoring his twin brother. Ehehe~ But still . . TWINS!!!! *twins lover* Hehehehe~

Overall, it was a good chapter (even if some parts are a little cliched . . .well, as if 07-Ghost isn't cliched) and it would really have been nice if the current 07-Ghost series had shown more background on the military side, not just on Teito's story. But well, 07-Ghost is narrated like Harry Potter. The audience only gets to see more of what the main character goes through. Ehehe~


  1. ermm....where can i read/dl this chapter??...

  2. I got it from the 07-ghost livejournal community =)

  3. oh...i did try to find it in the livejournal, however i still cant find it!! u have the direct link??...sorry if im asking to much!!!...

  4. Ah, it must've been protected then. I remember the scanlator saying she doesn't want the link of her scans shared so . . . I need to respect that ^^; Hopefully someone can upload it or make it available for reading online. *can't upload because . . . can't find file in her disorganized HD x_x*

  5. it's ok, thanks^^

  6. Can you tell me what's the name of the main character?

  7. @ Latest Anonymous
    It was Yuki, if I remember correctly ^^;

  8. I've read this... it was soo cool. And I think these twins share the same name as the slave twins in the manga from Raggs... <-- That's the link to where I got the download link from... From the looks of it the link provider doesn't mind people getting the link... feel free to remove it though if you don't want it here.

    I'm also wondering if you've seen the doujinshis/omakes of 07 Ghost? Apparently it does exist, according to wiki, but I haven't seen them yet :( There's some more Aya-Tan fun in them! Apparently... *sigh*

  9. @ Anonymous above this reply
    Yep, I've seen the official doujins and omakes of 07-ghost~ They're lovely~

  10. Anonymous-san, you can read Vol 1's omakes here ( Just press the arrows to go to the previous page or the next page of the volume. As for other volume's omakes, go to the 07 Ghost main page here (, they have scans of Vol 1 - 8 so far.

    In order to thank you for giving me the Yukinami Begleiter's link, I will translate the omakes for you, just e-mail me at .

  11. thanks to hal i was looking for this!!! love love for youuu!
