Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Hetalia Day 2009

It's less than 2 weeks away . . . being a Hetalia fan, and I think there are people who don't hang out at the Hetalia community much, I think this deserves further promotion~

Axis Powers Hetalia is a series that presents an allegorical interpretation of political, cultural, historical, and even contemporary events in which the various countries are represented by anthropomorphic characters. Most of its stories are based during the World War II era, so its main characters consist of the Axis Powers and the Allied Forces, with Italy as the leading character. Aside from these nations, there are over 40 countries personified as human characters in this series as well.

Despite the negative criticisms and the controversies that this series encounters, there are still a lot of people who bring support to this series because it's not simply a satirical comic; it encourages people from different parts of the world to get along and shows that it's possible! The characters in Hetalia possess the stereotypical traits of the nation they represent, whether positive or negative, and there had been a lot of events wherein they engage into battles or quarrels with other characters (representing the wars or simple disagreements in historical and contemporary events of course). However, despite all those, these characters could still get along and work together. In reality, this is clearly represented by what we know as the United Nations.

The United Nations (UN) was founded after the end of World War II by the victorious Allied Powers in the hope that it would act to intervene in conflicts between nations and thereby avoid war. It is an international organization whose stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress, and human rights issues. Currently, there are 192 United Nations member states, encompassing almost every recognized independent state.

Both the UN and the Hetalia series present that people from different parts of the world can become friends. If the UN consists of different independent nations, the Hetalia fandom consists fans of different races. Because of this similarity and plenty of other reasons, though it's not exactly official, Hetalia fans have decided to celebrate Hetalia Day on October 24, together with the United Nations Day.

Hetalia Day will be celebrated in different parts of the globe! So far, meetings in eleven countries in five continents are being organized and more meetings in different cities are being planned.

Go to the directory to look for the Hetalia Day venue near your location. There will be a lot of fun activities for you to join in and there will also be plenty of fellow Hetalia fans to meet!

I hope you enjoy guys! I am not sure if I could come to the one near my place though ^^;

~ Wikipedia
~ Hetalia


  1. LOL, I can't go to Hetalia Day meetings, but I sure would want to! I'll celebrate it in any way I can possibly think of!~

  2. HETALIA DAY BOSTON! Wooo!~ I'll sure as hell be there. =]

  3. @ Pasta10:
    There are certainly many other ways to celebrate it aside form attending the meetings~

    @ Anonymous:
    ENJOY! =)

  4. I didn't know there was a Hetalia Day. Darn. I will celebrate it next year. *Marks calander.*
