Thursday, November 5, 2009

Manga Discoveries: God Eater, Burning Hell, Let's Bible, and Karasu

I've been checking out so much new manga that it's impossible for me to do a one-title-per-post format with my limited time. I check out a lot of raws series as well. So starting now I thought of featuring new scanlated/translated series that I've read recently and at the same time a new unscanlated manga that I've spotted.

So I'll always start with the raw:

aka God Eater - Messiah no Kikan

Any series with religious reference will ALWAYS attract me. God . . Messiah . . . totally caught my attention!
It seems to be a futuristic series (set in 2070's) wherein our heroes fight against dangerous insects and monsters.
My poor Japanese doesn't get what's going on and what they title's relation to it . . . but it looks awesome~
I wish this gets scanlated or translated at least~


by YOUN In-Wan and YANG Kyung-Il
Set in Japan and Korea during the Edo period, a time of great upheaval between the two cultural groups.
Chapters/Volumes Read: 1 Chapter
I like Shin Angyo Onshi!!! And this other work by the same authors seem bloody awesome! I like the different cultures in it (korean, japanese, even british) and people form different countries don't magically understand each other. There's so much crazy violence in this yet it's very interesting! I like it a lot~
Verdict: Highly Recommended especially to those who like bloody and violent action scenes


by YOUN In-Wan and YANG Kyung-Il
Vulcan Markovic lives in a small fishing village in Croatia. He has only two things on his mind--designer goods and losing his virginity. When an indescribably beautiful girl shows up asking for directions to Heaven's Gate, Vulcan takes his first step into "thrilling world-salvation action!!"
Chapters/Volumes Read: Part 1 & 2 of the Chapter 1?
I love religious references and the idea in this story have been really interesting. However, it's nowhere near the awesomeness of Burning Hell or Shin Angyo Onshi. It's okay to be silly, but not shounen stupid. There's even the extremely annoying fanservice!
It's too nonsensical. It sucks. The oneshot seems different from this though. It's hell better than this crap.
Verdict: Epic FAIL. But the Oneshot seems promising.


by MACHIDA Kazuya and YANAGI Yukisuke
Taichi and his little brother Souji are orphaned beggars, struggling to have enough to eat. One day Taichi decides they need to become samurai and join the company of fighters popularly known as the "Crows". Even finding this group, however, is proving to be dangerous a goal for them.
Chapters/Volumes Read: 1 Chapter
Brotherly love~ As if I could ignore that? One of them is a clairvoyant and I love shows that involve "special" people~ And there's bloody awesome samurai action! Story has been really good and interesting! I already loved it when I saw it raw! I loved it more when I saw it scanlated! I look forward to more and I can't wait to meet the other characters~
Verdict: Highly Recommended especially to those who want to see bloody awesome samurai stuff


  1. thanks a lot for the info!
    i'm was looking for some new manga to read, now, i'm specialy interested on god eater and karasu. oh! the characters on the last one are so cool.

  2. @ nagu-nagu
    You're welcome xD
    Haha! I often hunt for new manga, so expect more posts like this in the future~
    God Eater is already scanlated =D Check it out!
    Hopefully, Karasu will have another chapter out soon.
