Saturday, April 3, 2010

Spring 2010 1st Impressions: Horny Girl + Demon King (Extra: Hetalia News)

The new season turned out to be better than I expected it to be. So I thought of checking out the first episodes of the new titles that I think have a chance to be good despite my low expectations. But before that:

I got lazy to make a Hetalia news post, but for those who haven't heard about it yet *points image above* that's the cover of the Hetalia Fan Disk to be released next month. *her favorite duo's in the image.... very pleased* Moreover, the manga has been licensed by TokyoPop and it will be released on September this year. Lastly, I made a few updates on the movie news page. Hehe.

Now for the first two Spring 2010 series I've checked out so far:
[ B Gata H Kei ] perverted fanservice.... but not crap? O_O
[ Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou ] typical... but likable? O_O

[ B Gata H Kei ]

The premise of this series got me really disturbed because it's the first time I've encountered an anime plot with a very very very horny female leading character (though the show isn't hentai).
But it got me very intrigued as well... since it's something different.
Yes, it had perverted fanservice, but it's fanservice that isn't "accidental panty shots" nor "too-much-of-a-coincidence gropings". In other words, the pervertedness here is not only to please the perverted audience, but the actual character who is providing such fanservice is also enjoying it O_O
Perverted fanservice usually disgusts me and as I've said earlier.... the horny leading female disturbs me.... but....she doesn't annoy me ^^;
What? You think only men can get horny? I'm not saying that being horny is a good thing o_O But.... humans, whatever gender, are... errr.... animals after all O_O;;; Women aren't as innocent/pure as how they're usually portrayed in ecchi shows.
The uniqueness of the leading character compare to other perverted romantic comedies is the reason what actually made me.... impressed with this series O_O (She's not: "Kyaaa! For some reason your face got between my boobs and you get to touch my a$$ yet I don't know why;... Kyaaa! So embarassing! I'll call you a pervert though I'm wearing very fit blouse and a very short miniskirt that I'm almost not wearing anything" THANK GOODNESS) The generic leading character of an ecchi comedy is there.... but he doesn't have a harem O_O (THANK GOODNESS)
Don't focus on the pervertedness; try to look into its other aspects. There IS a story, right? Characters HAVE personalities, right? She may be perverted but amateurs are still amateurs. The real thing is different from what you see in erotic reading materials. She is epic fail as a slut; and her escapes/relunctance/fear make this a comedy instead of a hentai show.
And though the premise implies that her goal is to be a whore, on how things are going... from what I see... the story isn't focusing on having a girl make love with someone, but have her learn what true love is. She might be advancing to sex or kisses, but slowly she's seeing that it's actually more wonderful when someone being a gentleman to you... or someone helping you out... compare to being f*cked. =_=
I see development in its story.... but I just hope it doesn't take too long and repeat too much of the gags. They're hilarious, but when overdone, it can give one headaches =_= And hhhmm... it appears the only our leading character is the perverted one, because the other couples of this series seem.... pure. I'm very very interested on the other characters:

I can't believe it, I actually look forward to see more from this series O_O It's surprisingly well done! At least on its first episode. But whatever, I'm really excited to see those other bishies *_* I'm also interested on the girl beside the bishie with a red jacket.... she's pretty~ Ehehehe.... Leading girl's best friend seem nice too.

[ Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou ]

I wanted to ignore this series because it appears to be your typical fantasy series with your strong yet abused leading guy and for some reason is surrounded with different types of stereotypical bishoujos. He has a harem and he gets to have advances on them.... though they're mostly misunderstandings.
But even with the cliches.... I was still impressed with the show. O_O
I guess it's mainly because of the twist that a kindhearted guy happened to become destined to become some evil lord. How he fights that destiny has become interesting for me. And I think there will be religion references. There was a church... and he aimed to become a high priest (which appears to be a pope).... I like that *fnd of religious references*
His relationship with the leading female also got me interested~ They had a bad first meeting, but later become allies with an oath, then later there's the twist on the guy's fate, then the tension and misunderstandings come, but afterwards they could actually continue in being in good terms. I think those scenes of our katana girl beating up the demon king will continue, (and I admit that may become really annoying in the future if there'll be so much of it x_x) but their non-fight moments are still... romantic for me:

And here's something I find surprising.... even though the main female cast seem like stereotypes, for some reason I don't... find them annoying O_O.... They seem like the usual... but there's actually something different and interesting about them o_O Or perhaps I'm having.... I dunno....
And yeah, there are pantyshots and stuff... and those I will always find annoying.... but.... but... I'm not that bothered?
This show confuses me. It has many of the things that I'm supposed to be annoyed about, but I wasn't annoyed. I don't understand it either.... except that it has occured to me that this has become much better than I expected it to be. With this show I'm reminded that you can't underestimate those premises that seem typical because the actual story could actually have potential.
But hhhmmm.... even if the first episode had been impressive to me, following episodes have the tendency to make this fail =_= but ah well, even if that happens, I think Hiroshi will continue to entertain me xD Haha!


  1. Im disappointed out of ALL COMPANIES , TOKYO POP GETS IT. now the cover is going to be ruined with the tokyopop sign next to it and also their covers and their scans are not the best quality and they still cost $11 like better companies like yen press or del rey would have gotten it that have great scans and have a great cover but still for the same price. Im glad at least it got liscensed and i could buy it

  2. The interesting info about B Gata H Kei is it is drawn by women (Yoko Sanri) & she mothered two children.This story is similar with shoujo (girl as lead & pursuing her love) but with ecchi element.

  3. @ Anonymous
    I don't know how Tokyopop does their publishing but with hetalia.... I'll see first before I react xD Hehe~

    @ Kagura89
    A WOMAN???? Wow! No wonder the series isn't just plain stupid ecchi fanservice. I'm thinking that ecchi elements can be handled well if it will be by females O_O
