Sunday, January 2, 2011

101 Manga Titles in a Year Reading Challenge

I was inspired by this challenge and even though this is a few days late, I still want to impose this challenge on myself xD But since I'm more of a manga reader than a novel reader.... I made this personal challenge more... challenging xD

  • Manga Finished: January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011 (It's okay if it was started before 2011)
  • Manga should have ended (it's already completed/finished); ongoing manga with new chapters/volumes to be released in the future are NOT counted.
  • Only manga series and oneshots are counted. Specials or extras are considered as part of the manga series.
  • If the manga series or oneshot had a sequel or prequel or alternative universe version, they're considered as DIFFERENT titles. (e.g. Saiyuki, Saiyuki Gaiden, Saiyuki Ibun, Saiyuki Reload, and Saiyuki Reload Blast are FIVE manga titles)
  • If a oneshot has been serialized into a manga series, it's not considered as a special/extra of that particular manga series, but a different title. (e.g. Bleach pilot chapter and Bleach manga series are TWO manga titles)
  • When it comes to anthologies or story compilations, it's not by story collection, but by story.
  • Series that are cancelled are counted; but series that are on-hiatus are not counted. 
  • Two Levels: (LEVEL 1) 101 Manga Series + Oneshots (LEVEL 2) 101 Manga Series + 101 Oneshots
  • Twitter tag: #101Manga


I suppose this is too challenging for most people, but in case you are interested... please tell me (or simply comment here) and I'll add you to the list~


  1. Yeah I guess counting oneshots does make it too easy XD
    Although without one shots this is just ridiculous x3 I don't even have 101 serialized manga finished under me total--- >A<

  2. @Aorii
    It's really too difficult without the oneshots ^^;
    But since I'm insane, I'm aiming for the "impossible", mwahahaha!

  3. I want to try this with video games, but I think it's almost impossible for me when there are about 20 games I want to finish. I guess I like aiming for the impossible too, hahaha.

  4. @Yukihito
    I think 100 video games is absolutely impossible unless that's the only thing you do in life O_O

    LOLz to the new weird similarity (aiming for the impossible)

  5. I could challenged you back in 2009. Unfortunately I have no time for manga nowadays anymore :(
