Friday, April 22, 2011

[C] - Episode 2 (Entrepreneur Meets Asset - Kimimaro & Mashu Centric)

Mashu's behavior in this episode is soooooooooooo different from what the promo videos and the quick scene of the first episode had been implying on what she's gonna be like.
She had been so cool~ I looooooooooooooove her and her interactions with Kimimaro!
Once Kimimaro learns to fight, I believe they'll make a great team~

Mashu is Kimimaro's Asset. So the Assets aren't just monsters that can be used for battle, they're the embodiments of an Entrepreneu'rs future.

If Mashu's name sounds lame, looks like we have Kimimaro to blame for that, haha! I think the Entrepreneur has the freedom to call his Asset however he pleases, but he thought that the Asset's name is written in the card... but with his epic fail engrish he reads the initials "MSYU" as "Mashu".

Kimimaro still couldn't grasp what was going on, to Mashu's dismay. He can't be blamed because Masakaki didn't bother to explain the rules to him. Though the newbie in the first episode completely knows how to do fights in the Deals... and it's also strange that Mashu knows how to battle like a pro even though she's also a rookie herself.

The only reason I could think of why the other newbie knows while Kimimaro doesn't is because unlike Kimimaro, the newbie wasn't dragged into the Financial District against his will. Most likely the newbie had asked for a briefing on the Financial District before he accepted the card. As for Kimimaro, he was dragged into the arena at once because he would most likely decline even if Masakaki would volunteer to give him a briefing.

So, since Kimimaro's so ignorant on the Financial District... Mashu's frustrated with that but she has no choice but to fill him in... as quick as possible because they don't have enough time. She managed to point out to him the important parts.

What a busy Asset she has been. She doesn't just lecture him, but also protect him and fight for him.

Kimimaro's not familiar with the rules... and definitely not used to having his life in danger like that, he has been quite useless (Poor Mashu). What he has been doing may be pretty stupid, but his reactions are just some of the natural human instincts when in danger: late reactions, close eyes and somehow cover self when being attacked, become curious when the better among you is looking out on something, and if you see a person you know hurt, you can't help asking if they're alright even when they're obviously not alright:

Yeah, yeah, Kimimaro was not really being that helpful in the entire battle. Mashu's been suffering a lot by just protecting him:

shielding him,

scolding him,

dragging him around,

carrying him around,

and throwing him around.

But Kimimaro doesn't know how to protect himself from such attacks. He doesn't even know that he can command his Asset to do attacks nor is he aware that he can do direct hits himself. He's a newbie that's so clueless on what he's supposed to do.

I think uselessness is understandable if there's a reason for it. Some "useless" characters are really no good, even when they're supposed to have the ability already by that time.

Back to Kimimaro, I expected him to do something awesome towards the end... (you know, the usual "The Hero Still Saves The Day" kind of thing.) and surprisingly, that didn't happen. Only his Asset is to be credited on all the amazing stuff in the fight scenes. He was just a meatbag or a spell-chanter.

I actually find that... nice. I mean, it's not shounen cliche (it didn't end that way on the initial episodes of mainstream series like Naruto, Bleach, Reborn, etc.) He is still an ordinary guy even at the end of his first battle. He doesn't get to do anything surprisingly impressive (on his own) on his FIRST battle. It's his Asset who did the work, and he only got credit because she is his property.

Anyway, I doubt he'll stay that useless in the later episodes. He's the leading character.... he's got to get better or else he won't last long in the Financial District (and if that happens, no more story for the series too).

Though I admit that it's cliche for the leading character to have such great concern towards his partner, which his partner isn't used to. He's more concerned about her than money. It's sweet but there are a lot of "very kindhearted" leading characters like that ("I don't care if you're a demon/monster, you're still my friend! [or "I still love you"]).

But at least he didn't have a drastic personality change. Earning a lot of money is still not his priority. He still wants his dream of a simple lifestyle.

Though his perspective may change because of what Mikuni said.

Characters in the series are gaining interest on Kimimaro simply because he's one of the few rookies who won in his first game... and might possibly become the second Mikuni. Their Assets look similar (both small but powerful little girls) so perhaps those such embodiments of their futures are more likely to attain success in the Financial District?

Yeah, Kimimaro is now "someone special" and seemed to have gotten the "Beginner's Luck" that the newbie from the first episode was trying to achieve. No surprise since he's the leading character, they always win.

But I don't think his win is out of pure luck though. I mean, Mashu's the embodiment of HIS FUTURE... a PART of HIM. If Mashu has been that capable, then I think it shows that Kimimaro has it the inside him... the abilities and qualifications of an excellent fighter in such a battle.

Though Kimimaro has the ability to do great in the Deals (I doubt the Entrepreneurs are just selected in random), he doesn't really want to get involved. But there's no way to get away from the place aside from losing, so trying to run away from it won't help. The only way to survive there is to fight... and since Kimimaro doesn't get that yet, it angers Mashu:

She doesn't let others hurt her Entrepreneur because it will make him lose money. But she has all the rights to hit him, huh? Hahaha!

I don't think Mashu's tsundere though, or at least, not the typical tsundere (like the little flat-chested Kugimiya Rie heroines). She doesn't seem to be the "You're such an idiot but I have no choice other than to protect you because you're my master. I'll abuse you as much as I please. But the truth is, I actuallly like you very much." but more of the "We are in deep sh!t yet you are still in complete loss on what to do? Oh geez, don't do dangerous things, you idiot. Do this and that. Please learn so we can get along and do things smoothly already." type.

Presently, I think Kimimaro is already attached to Mashu:

It's so cute when he tries to peep at check up on her through his card. (I want more Kimimaro abuse xD Hahahaha!) He's such a freakin' worrier it's so sweet xD Right now she's more like his guardian than his servant/partner though, hehe.

Most likely they're going to be close like how Mikuni and Q are now. I love this duo!!! I look forward to more of their interactions, how their relationship develops, and what kind of fighting duo they'll be like once Kimimaro gets the hang of the fighting method in Financial District =3


  1. I have to say you make great points on this. I can't really put blame on Kimimaro because he was just dragged into this and tossed into a fight without any information. It's not wonder he's the first in a long time to survive when being dragged in like that.

    Think Mashu is actually a pretty nice name or at least different. It's somewhat her own fault for not clearly stating "give me a name" or pointing to herself rather than the card which would make him think that it would appear there. Still she did an amazing job in the fight. Did a lot of protecting, but getting that the guy she's partnered with doesn't know anything. Loved the reaction from both of them after her huge attack, they were both pretty amazed.

    Think this will be a pretty entertaining series if just for the main leads.

  2. Yeah, good explanation of what is going on. That battle is still a bit mysterious to me... a bunch of flashing numbers and explosions... but, as you say, that could well be the fault of Masakaki, who threw him into a fight without explaining much of anything. If that is typical, I don't think it is too surprising that rookies rarely win their first fight/deal.

    Anyways, the thing with the black bills was also mysterious. Lots of strange stuff that will hopefully make more sense after a couple more episodes.

  3. @FlareKnight
    If majority of the players did get dragged into the arena without any information, then they're all not to blame for losing because the system has been unfair for not telling.

    Haha... Mashu sounded like "Mash you" to me, haha xD

    "It's somewhat her own fault for not clearly stating "give me a name" or pointing to herself rather than the card which would make him think that it would appear there. "
    = Ah, you're right about that. I didn't realize, ahaha...

    "Still she did an amazing job in the fight. Did a lot of protecting, but getting that the guy she's partnered with doesn't know anything."
    = Yeah. It was a tough job, yet she did well. Amazing~

    "Loved the reaction from both of them after her huge attack, they were both pretty amazed."
    = Same. I hope we were able to see Kimimaro's reaction though.

    "Think this will be a pretty entertaining series if just for the main leads."
    = I think so too =3


    "That battle is still a bit mysterious to me... a bunch of flashing numbers and explosions... "
    = I think the numbers are their total cash (in the big balls) while the others are the amount they spend for attacks. As for explosions, the "hits".

    "If that is typical, I don't think it is too surprising that rookies rarely win their first fight/deal."
    = Yeah, but the rookie in the first episode didn't seem ignorant of the system... so maybe it's not suually like that =/

    "the thing with the black bills was also mysterious."
    = indeed *_*
