Thursday, October 20, 2011

[ Manga Discovery ] Taimashin

Masatsu Note Taimashin
by Kikuchi Hideyuki and Sadou Masaki

[ Demographic: SEINEN ]
Dr. Taima is no ordinary acupuncturist... for he can drive out demons!
(10 chapters read as of the date this blog entry was posted)


Motivation: (What Made Me Check It Out)
This is the first manga I saw with protagonists using ACUPUNCTURE to deal with demons, hehe.
Curses: (What Seems to be Bad About It)
The pacing's a HUGE MESS. It feels too quick, so many things happened like nothing happened, yet the first case is taking... quite a while.
And it looks like "character development" doesn't exist here.
Praises: (What Seems to be Good About It)
A pretty unique concept and I like how it connected accupuncture and supernatural phenomenon.
Bias: (What's Keeping Me Hooked to It)
The art ON THE COVERS look nice.
Fangirl: (What I Love in It)
Ayakashi's adorable~ I suppose he's the only likeable character for me in this series, though the protagonists, his assistant, and the journalist dude seem fun too.
Nostalgia: (What It Reminds Me of)
Mononoke ('coz of the strange dude solving strange phenomenon thing... and they're both weird)
I find the concept and the supernatura references very interesting (though it's odd that a chinese technique is being done by a Japanese protagonist.... I mean, what's wrong in making the main character Chinese?). But the storytelling's too chaotic. The characters may seem cool and they do a lot of stuff, but even after reading many chapters you don't get to know much about them.
Oh well, I don't think I can continue reading this type of manga. The tentacle and dog rape were just TOO disturbing o_o;;;

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