Saturday, October 1, 2011

[ Manga Discovery ] Rex Fabula

Rex Fabula (Fiction King / Kyokou no Ou)
by Fujiyama Kairi

[ Demographic: SHOUJO-ISH SHOUNEN ]
Homare's desire is to control others. But when he and his friend got pulled into another world, a mysterious being in it is leaving him no choice but to be controlled.
(2 chapters read as of the date this blog entry was posted)


Motivation: (What Made Me Check This Out)
I saw cards (and a cool-looking protagonist) on the promo picture... I KNEW I will fall it love with it the moment I laid my eyes on it xD
And oh, the title means "The King of Fiction" or "Fictional King" in Latin. Latin. Cool~ Fiction Hell yeah~
Curses: (What Seems to be Bad About It)
I think it will start to suck if Homare would need rescuing most of the time. (But how he made someone rescue him from chapter 2 was pretty cool though, haha.)
If ever this will encounter any problems, it would most likely have something to do with the characters (because the story so far is just... wow!)
Praises: (What Seems to be Good About It)
Full of refreshing and interesting ideas. Gotta love how it's connecting "reality", "fiction", and even "religion".
Bias: (What's Keeping Me)
Kyaaa! Best friends! xD Oh Homare, admit it already.
Fangirl: (What I Love in It)
OMG... the cards... the religious "debate/controversies/questioning"... fiction.... shet.
Nostalgia: (What It Reminds Me of)
World God Only Knows (because of the reality and fiction thing), C: Money of Soul and Possibility Control (main character became a "resident" of another world in exchange of something he didn't really willingly want to give up), Togainu no Chi (the relationship of both series' main duos feel similar o_o Ya know, "evil"-but-nice cool dude tsundere to "nice"-but-really? boy )
What a fantastic fantasy and psychological thriller! It was so intense that it got me at the edge of my seat xD Very interesting and intriguing so far~
It's already so great on its first chapter, and it gets even better on the next (and will most likely go on in the succeeding chapters xD).

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