Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fandom Blurbs 2011 #013 (Blog Updates and Random Fandom Talk)

Before anything else, I want to share a birthday present I got from one of my "online twin sisters", Dorothy:
MY ANGEL MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!! xD THANK YOU, MY DEAR!!!!! *huggles*

*ehem* Alright. As the regular visistors might've already noticed, this blog just got a makeover xD I think this is easier to navigate, and as I was doing the layout changes, I was able to notice and get rid of the unecessary things (one of the blogs in my blogs list is... no longer decent) T_T

Oh, for the Feedburner feeds, please use this one, alright? I'll be getting rid of the old one.

I am hoping to be more active starting this month. I've got a lot of critiques/reviews waiting to be written. I can also share a manga discovery every day because I was an idiot who quickly gets a copy of the first chapter once she spots something pretty interesting. ^^; (I've already checked out more than 30 new manga titles, f*ck)

So if things go according to plan, there shall be at least a manga discovery post every day this month. I think I'll try to monitor/compile them using the reviews feature at MAL. I can finally use my MAL to track which titles I've already checked out, haha. (I initially planned to use it to track reviews, but the ones I've completed aren't as many to those I just started, ahaha). But I don't think I can do the Split Personality style for such posts anymore... a new method I've thought of seems quicker to do.

I've also got so many new series... maybe I should start making "TV drama series" discovery posts too. Ugh, even "Book/Novel series" discoveries... found a lot of YA ones *_* Ack, shall focus on manga for now. The anime I already do, but that's only seasonal. Come to this of it, the Autumn/Fall 2011 series have already started! w00t!

I'll continue Mawaru Penguindrum, but I think I'll be tempted to pick another one next week... particularly UN-GO xD.

Okayz, those are my plans for now. For the other changes in this blog, I'm still thinking about them, ahaha. Thanks.

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