Sunday, April 24, 2011

Spring 2011 Anime Second Impressions

I wasn't really able to make a first impressions post before a new season airs (unlike before), except for my most anticipated top three. But after watching most of the new shows that aired this season, I can't help myself from being "typative", hehe.

Fireball Charming had a wonderful animation but its first episode didn't feel like... an episode, haha! More like a random promo video or an advertisement, ehehe. I'm not even familiar with the original version...

But anywayz, here goes my list for the rest of the titles this Spring 2011. The rankings are not as a whole, but by category. Of course, they're subject to change. Though I doubt that for now... especially on those at the bottom.....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

[C] - Episode 2

No, the animation in this episode doesn't really get better. Neither had there been more references and lectures concerning Economics, as expected.

(YESSSS!!! THERE'S VIOLENCE AND BLOODSHED!!!! Looks like this series will be "dark" despite the colorful setting~ I like that~)

But overall this episode had been so fantastic. Lil' flaws here and there aren't much of a big deal to me.

Friday, April 22, 2011

[C] - Episode 2 (Entrepreneur Meets Asset - Kimimaro & Mashu Centric)

Mashu's behavior in this episode is soooooooooooo different from what the promo videos and the quick scene of the first episode had been implying on what she's gonna be like.
She had been so cool~ I looooooooooooooove her and her interactions with Kimimaro!
Once Kimimaro learns to fight, I believe they'll make a great team~

The Lovely Bones: Though the Novel Isn't "Lovely", Despite That Word Being Part of the Title

The Lovely Bones
By Alice Sebold
Susie: My name is Susie Salmon. Salmon as in the fish. I'm 14 years old and I'm dead. And this is my story....
FAVORITISM: 2.5 Hearts ---> NEUTRAL(3.5 Hearts to the father though)

This book is quite popular and it even got a movie adaptation. The idea of a girl narrating to us her story after she was killed really intrigued me too. So I thought that this would turn out to be as good as it seems.

Sadly, it was quite a disappointment.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

[C] - Episode 1

If it's not that obvious yet, hehe, C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control aka [C] was the anime series I had been looking forward to the most this season. I was very hyped on it so I'm glad that the first episode turned out to be more fun and impressive than I expected~

Deadman Wonderland and Ao no Exorcist were the two other anime series I had been extremely excited about, but I already have manga background on those, unlike with [C]. So I think it'd be more fun for me to tune in to [C] anime more because I wouldn't know what to expect from its episodes. Everything shall be new to me~

I love shows that introduce/present something new or that stand out by being as unique and as creative as possible.

[C] - Episode 1 (It's Not Really An "Economics Anime")

With the monster card battles in [C] being undeniably very similar to Yu-Gi-Oh!'s, [C]'s "uniqueness" has become questionable because it seemed so much like a card game rip-off.

Even as a [C] fan, I have to agree that no matter how you look at it, [C] is like an imitation of those popular card game series. However, considering [C] as merely a card game series rip-off is underestimating [C] too much, in my opinion. I firmly believe, that even based on the first episode alone, [C] isn't just a card game series copycat, and is even MORE than a card game series.

I'm a fan of Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! too... but I don't think they're just shallow kid's card game shows either. What more of [C], which has no plans on becoming a freakin' long episodic series? And even promises to tackle the one thing that affects our lives greatly but anime seldom focuses on, which is none other than MONEY.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control (Just a Yu-Gi-Oh! and Pokémon Ripoff?)

Because the battle featured in the first episode of [C] happened to involve monsters and cards, people can't help seeing it being very similar to other card game series like Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh!

Is [C] really just some Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh! wannabe?
Or is it just "A Card Game Series for Grown-ups"?

But before that....
Are Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and [C] merely card games in the first place?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Goulart Knights - Evoke The Beginning Black: Ghey Bishies with "Holy Grails"

Goulart Kishidan- Evoke The Beginning Black
of Lantis
Original Manga By Miyajima Takumit and Sion
Nil: Oh, so we need to protect...
Gokuto: Her name's Spika, idiot.
Nil: Waaah, stop calling me an idiot.
Ulbiero: How burdensome. Can't I just date her.
Regulus: Behave, you pervert. For now, we'll have her stay over at school and protect her from "Archons".
Ulbiero: (She seems a little suspicious though)
Regulus: What did you say?
Ulbiero: Nothing.
Nil: YAY! I have a new playmate!!!... OUCH! You're such a meanie Gokuto ;_;

RATING: D (HORRIBLE! ! failfailfailfail)
FAVORITISM: 2 Hearts ---> NEUTRAL (But the manga is 3 or 3.5 Hearts)

Oh this sucked.

Almost everything in this OVA is done either poorly or terribly.

C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control - Ep. 1 (The "Bland" Leading Character - Kimimaro Centric)

Kimimaro Yoga is just an average ordinary guy. He doesn't have extraordinary or supernatural abilities. He's none of the extremes: not mysterious/intriguing/enigmatic, not hyper/cheerful, not powerful/invincible, not genius/gifted, etc. He's not even strange or weird. He's not some bad boy nor a fighter for justice.

There's nothing really striking about him... he's so plain that it's so easy to ignore him. He's not exactly interesting enough that he would catch your eye after a quick glance at him.

He's what people would consider as a bland character.

BUT.... his simplicity is what makes him so INCREDIBLE!

I firmly believe that he's already one of the most impressive leading characters in the anime world.

C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control (Opening Theme References)

I love symbolical opening themes wherein each screen/visual/image could be a reference of something in the real world xD C's OP theme sure showcased a lot of economics related stuff =3

I did something like this last time, particularly on the references in Occult Academy's opening theme. I'm also having fun on researching for this one xD

But to be honest, I'm more familiar with the occult than with economics, haha! Yeah, this isn't my expertise either so please bear with me ^^; (I'd appreciate help and corrections from those who know more about the subject matter~)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control (ED Theme, Goodies from the Game at the Official Site, Etc.)

To those who haven't seen it yet, the ED theme of this series is already out:

I certainly love it more than the OP *_* It looks very cool~
I was playing around at the official site and it had some sort of game... yeah, you win by "earning money" from it xD Haha! Managed to gather 15,500 yen by the power of guessing, LOLz!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

C: The Money of Soul and Possibility Control (OP Theme, Story Theme, Battle System, Characters, Etc.)

There were suddenly a number of interesting updates the day before the first episode will air so I can't help making another post for my most anticipated Spring 2011 anime series xD

There's an episode one synopsis and a new CM at the official site. It's short, but the art has certainly become better, especially comparing to the previous trailer.


I'm quite surprised that it's up this early, but I'm happy to see it as early as now~
Yes, it's the OP theme of the series.
Though honestly, this would've looked better without the scenes with the characters launching for an attack. They look awkward together with those 3D visuals, haha!
Nevertheless, bias aside, it looked good. The music still rocked (I looooove the full version =3)~
NICO Touches the Walls FTW!
Oh now I wonder what the ED theme would be like~

Thanks to an interview at ANN, we now have more ideas of what the story and the characters of this series is going to be like.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Lincoln Lawyer, Red Riding Hood, and Rio (ft. Super 8)

I've been watching films from the past and also recent ones. I found it difficult to make a post for each, so I decided to do them in batches~ Each movie batch would have 3 quick movie reviews then 1 featured upcoming movie. Here goes:
Super 8
The trailer's cool~
Though many people would be pretty frustrated for keeping the "monster" a secret xD I don't mind since it's more intriguing and exciting that way (don't spoil all the good stuff in trailers~) but I'm honestly bothered on the "EIGHT" in the title.... It sounded like a superhero movie...was it referring to the kids? *didn't count though* What made them "super"? Aaaahhh!!!
Either way, I still highly look forward to the movie~

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Manga Discoveries: Dangerously Sexy Umbrella Maker, Ballerina Boy, & Friendly Ghost (ft. Comic Gene)

I'm very excited to see the new magazine called Comic Gene. It features a lot of interesting-looking series. Well, it's being advertised as a shounen magazine for females... much like Zero-Sum (many Zero-Sum series are like a combo/cross of shounen and shoujo). Not a surprise to see a Zero-Sum author like Takayama Shinobu having a contribution there:

Takayama-sensei contributed on the illustration book that will be released together with the first issue. Illustrations by other artists look very pretty as well *_* Oh wow~
The other freebie of the first issue was a Maria Holic Drama CD, I think.
Damnit... June is taking so long. And I don't even know if I'll really be able to see it. *sigh*

Alright, now on to my sharing of some new manga I checked out recently:

From Left to Right: Adekan -> coda -> The Ghost Apartment Manager
Favoritism: Adekan > coda > The Ghost Apartment Manager

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Upcoming Spring 2011 Anime Spotlight: C (The Money of Soul and Possibility Control)

I don't think I have enough time to do season previews, so instead, I'll just feature upcoming anime which I know (meaning, I'm already a fan of its original/previous adaptation) or highly believe (meaning, it's just my gut feeling) are awesome. Enjoy~

C (The Money of Soul and Possibility Control)
Debuting on April 14, 2011
The Japanese government was rescued from the brink of financial collapse by the Sovereign Wealth Fund. For its citizens, however, life has not improved, and unemployment, crime, suicide, and despair are rampant. Kimimaro, raised by his maternal grandmother after the disappearance of his father and the death of his mother, is a scholarship student whose only dream is to avoid all this and live a stable life. One day, however, he meets a man who offers him a large sum of money if he'll agree to pay it back. From then on his fate is radically altered as he's drawn into a mysterious realm known as "The Financial District."
(Official Website)

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Upcoming Spring 2011 Anime Spotlight: The Blue Exorcist

I don't think I have enough time to do season previews, so instead, I'll just feature upcoming anime which I know (meaning, I'm already a fan of its original/previous adaptation) or highly believe (meaning, it's just my gut feeling) are awesome. Enjoy~

Debuting on April 16, 2011
Humans live in the world of Assiah, demons in Gehenna. The two dimensions are not meant to interfere with each other, but demons still possess creatures in Assiah in spite of this. The humans who can fight these demons are known as exorcists. Rin Okumura is a boy who bears the curse of being Satan's illegitimate son. His foster father sacrificed himself to save him from demons. To avenge his foster father's death as well as to prove himself, Rin decides to follow the path of an exorcist.
(Official Website)