Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hetalia Anime Episode Guide: Season 1

Hehe, I had been marathoning the Hetalia anime (subbed this time, I've only been watching the raw). And I felt like posting something like this:

Here's an episode guide of the first season~ Each contains quick descriptions of its main events/segments/portions/whatever, the characters that appeared/debuted/cameod, and also links to my impressions post.

Episode 1
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Antonio, Belgium, Berwald, Eduard, Feliks, Greece, HRE, Lovino, Natalia, Rome, Raivis, Tino, Toris, Vash

  • World Conference
  • Rome introduction
  • World War 1: Ludwig invades Italian territory
  • Chibitalia Introduction

Episode 2
~~ My Impressions

Antonio, Feliciano, Francis, HRE, Ludwig, Roderich, Rome

  • World War 1: Ludwig meets Feliciano
  • Chibitalia: Bullied Feliciano
  • World War 1: Feliciano in German prison
  • Preview: Feliciano has become Ludwig's ally

Episode 3
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Francis

  • Feliciano sings a song for Ludwig
  • Feliciano asks a job from Ludwig
  • Feliciano hears about Ludwig's attack on France
  • Feliciano and Ludwig become allies (friends)
  • Feliciano makes pasta in the desert
  • Preview: Kiku's appearance

Episode 4
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Antonio, Francis, Roderich

  • Kiku's introduction
  • The Tripartite Pact
  • Kiku's amazing technology
  • Feliciano asks Kiku for miniatures too
  • Chibitalia: Fight for Feliciano
  • Trivia: Italian Wars
  • Chibitalia: Roderich has conquered Feliciano
  • Ludwig talks about his allies
  • Preview: Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World

Episode 5
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Roderich

  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: The Axis Powers are stranded on a southern island
  • Feliciano's preparations for battle
  • More of Feliciano's preparations for battle
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: Chart of world affairs and pasta made of sand
  • Chibitalia: Chibitalia cleans at Roderich's house
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: "Axis Powers" team name decided
  • Preview: Allied Forces have spotted the Axis Powers

Episode 6
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Roderich

  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: Allied Forces have spotted the Axis Powers
  • Roderich expresses his anger
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: Axis Powers are roasting marshmallows
  • Chibitalia: Roderich's strictness and niceness
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: Allied Forces also roast marshmallows
  • Roderich complains on Ludwig's wastefulness
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: Where the piano music came from

Episode 7
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Feliciano, HRE, Lovino, Ludwig, Roderich

  • Allied Forced Meeting: Alfred makes his speech
  • Allied Forced Meeting: Alfred eats/drinks as he talks
  • Feliciano introduces his older brother to Ludwig
  • Lovino gets angry at Ludwig
  • Lovino's revenge
  • Feliciano cheers up crying Lovino
  • HRE sees Chibitalia in his house
  • Preview: Phone rings

Episode 8
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Alfred, Arthur, Francis, HRE, Roderich

  • Ludwig receives a phone call
  • Feliciano Calls Ludwig: Alfred has captured Feliciano
  • Feliciano Calls Ludwig: Francis has captured Feliciano
  • Feliciano Calls Ludwig: Arthur has captured Ludwig using Feliciano
  • Chibitalia: Chibitalia's hungry
  • Feliciano Calls Kiku: Feliciano asks for help

Episode 9
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, HRE

  • Allied Forced Meeting: Alfred assigns everyone's tasks
  • Allied Forced Meeting: Arthur objects
  • Allied Forced Meeting: Francis stops Arthur and Alfred's quarrel
  • Trivia: Super Flashy French Uniform
  • Allied Forced Meeting: Yao makes a suggestion
  • Allied Forced Meeting: Arthur makes a suggestion
  • Chibitalia: HRE gets drawing lessons from Chibitalia
  • After the Allied Forces Meeting: Francis asks why Ivan was just smiling during the chaotic meeting

Episode 10
~~ My Impressions, Part 2

Antonio, Arthur, Elizaveta, Feliciano, Francis, Gilbert, HRE, Roderich

  • Francis isn't invited in the second Allied Forces meeting
  • France in Old Times: Hundred Years War
  • France in Old Times: Joan of Arc
  • France in Old Times: The Napoleonic Wars
  • France in Old Times: England defeats Spain's invincible armada
  • France in Old Times: War of the Austrian Succession
  • Ludwig captures Francis
  • Chibitalia: HRE chases a mouse
  • Chibitalia: Elizaveta's introduction
  • Chibitalia: Chibitalia wears Elizaveta's clothes
  • Chibitalia: Restleness in the Holy Roman Empire House
  • Preview: Francis asks Arthur to marry him

Episode 11
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Feliciano, Elizaveta, HRE, Ludwig, Roderich

  • Chibitalia: Recap
  • Chibitalia: Roderich has been abandoned
  • Chibitalia: HRE asks Feliciano to join him
  • After the Allied Forces Meeting: Arthur's Faery Friends
  • Feliciano wants to hug
  • Preview: Francis asks Arthur to marry him again

Episode 12
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Alfred, Arthur, Francis

  • Francis proposes to Arthur
  • Trivia: English-French Union
  • Axis Powers Secret Training: What do you do if you find Arthur but you have no weapons?
  • Axis Powers Secret Training: Arthur is approaching you, what do you do?
  • It was Kiku's first time
  • Preview: America's Storage Cleaning

Episode 13
~~ My Impressions, Part 2

Axis Powers, Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Ivan

  • Axis Powers Secret Training: Interactions in the military with inferiors
  • Arthur's Secret Weapon: Cursing
  • Arthur's Secret Weapon: Summoning
  • Arthur and Ivan curse Kiku
  • Trivia: Russo-Japanese War
  • After the Allied Forces Meeting: Francis asks Ivan if he's alright with the decision made in the meeting
  • Preview: America's Storage Cleaning Trailer Part 1

Episode 14
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Antonio, Berwald, Feliciano, Francis, Greece, Kiku, Lovino, Ludwig, Roderich, Tino

  • Italians escape
  • Ludwig catches Feliciano
  • A German Simulator
  • Ludwig eats in French territory
  • Trivia: German and French eating habits

Episode 15
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Toris

  • Kiku's Culture Shock: Escargot
  • Kiku's Culture Shock: Free Body Culture
  • Axis Powers Secret Training: Basics that a soldier has to know
  • Axis Powers Secret Training: What do you do when the enemy wants to surrender?
  • Preview: America's Storage Cleaning Trailer Part 2
  • Kiku visits Rome
  • Trivia: To the Land of the White Tiger Corps
  • Feliciano in Kiku's library

Episode 16
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Kiku, Yao

  • Yao's introduction
  • Yao discovers Kiku
  • Yao and Kiku: Yao introduces kanji
  • Yao and Kiku: Japan's fast progress
  • Yao and Kiku: Yao introduces his little brother to Panda
  • Yao and Kiku: A chat under the moonlight
  • Preview: America's Storage Cleaning Trailer Part 3

Episode 17
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Kiku, Yao

  • America's Storage Cleaning: Alfred begins cleaning
  • Alfred and Diet: Arthur points out Alfred's weight
  • Alfred and Diet: French Diet
  • Alfred and Diet: Chinese Diet
  • Alfred and Diet: Japanese Diet
  • America's Storage Cleaning Flashback: Toy Soldiers
  • America's Storage Cleaning Flashback: Expensive Suit
  • America's Storage Cleaning Flashback: Old Musket

Episode 18
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Rome

  • Rome background
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World (Allied Forces VS Axis Powers) Take 1: Rome sings Hell song
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World (Allied Forces VS Axis Powers) Take 2: Rome sings Heaven song

Episode 19
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Matthew

  • Allied Forces Meeting: Drunken Crab (Zui Xie)
  • Axis Powers Secret Training: Ludwig sermons the Italian army
  • Allied Forces Meeting: There's something strange
  • Axis Powers Secret Training: Middle Part
  • Trivia: Italian tanks speed
  • Allied Forces Meeting: Axis Powers Spy

Episode 20
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Feliciano, Francis, Toris

  • Ludwig teaches Feliciano how to use a hand grenade
  • Arthur's Invention: Boiled Egg
  • Arthur's Invention: Machine for Bubbly Beer
  • America's Storage Cleaning: Recap
  • America's Storage Cleaning: The Revolutionary War
  • America's Storage Cleaning: Unsuccessful cleaning
  • America's Storage Cleaning: Epilogue

Episode 21
~~ My Impressions

Arthur, Feliciano, HRE, Ivan, Kiku, Lovino, Ludwig, Peter, Toris, Vash

  • Chibitalia: Recap
  • Chibitalia: HRE prepares to leave
  • Peter's introduction
  • Peter in a Meeting: Peter greets other nations
  • Peter in a Meeting: Toris lecture Peter
  • Feliciano shows true Italian spirit

Episode 22
~~ My Impressions

Antonio, Elizaveta, Feliciano, HRE, Roderich

  • Chibitalia: HRE and Chibitalia come across each other
  • Chibitalia: Antonio assists Roderich
  • Chibitalia: HRE bids farewell
  • Chibitalia: HRE and deck brush

Episode 23
~~ My Impressions

Feliciano, Liechtenstein, Lovino, Ludwig, Roderich, Vash

  • Liechtenstein cutes her hair
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Vash notices the haircut
  • Trivia: Liechtenstein background
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Cute little brother
  • Ludwig wonders why Feliciano's weak
  • Italian brothers sleep together
  • Feliciano Calls Ludwig: Brother trouble
  • Ludwig comes to the rescue
  • Preview: Roderich and Vash

Episode 24
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Gilbert, Liechtenstein, Roderich, Vash

  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: China Town in an island
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Grocery shopping
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Roderich treats the siblings
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Spilling Food
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Thirftiness
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: Food

Episode 25
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Liechtenstein, Roderich, Vash

  • Arthur visits kid!Alfred
  • Arthur and kid!Alfred: "Delicious" Food
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Liechtenstein gives Vash a present
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: Vash dreams of the past
  • Trivia: Switzerland and Austria's former relationship
  • Liechtensten and Her Beloved Brother: By the lake

Episode 26
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers

  • England Note: Alfred's new plane
  • Trivia: Busby's Chair
  • England Note: Arthur brings the Busby's Chair to the meeting
  • Busby's Chair: Ineffective against Ivan
  • England Note: Arthur's plan to get info from Alfred
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World (Allied Forces VS Axis Powers) Take 3: Arthur shows Busby's Chair
  • Busby's Chair: England's Final Weapon


  • I use their human names simply to lessen the... errr... awkwardness
  • Axis Powers (Feliciano, Ludwig, Kiku), Allied Forces (Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Ivan, Yao)
  • HRE = Holy Roman Empire
  • Chibitalia isn't referred as a different person/character (Feliciano = Chibitalia)
  • They are not official titles, at least not all.
  • Posts of earlier episodes are from my livejournal account. Hetalia aired before H*P was created.
  • Screenshots are from the official anime site
  • For any corrections, feel free to say so.
  • Originally posted at previous blog: Hyper Parfait.


  1. Haha! Woah! This is awesome, and it makes it so easy to find all the episode info!

    Thank you for doing this, its amazing. ^^

  2. Awesome compilation! Especially the wiki Hetalia episodes list is direly lacking.

    d(^_^ )

  3. @ missybunny and Aorii
    Thank you ^^
