Sunday, March 28, 2010

Hetalia Anime Episode Guide: Season 2

I've completed my marathon upto the last episode of the second season~

Here's an episode guide of the second season~ Each contains quick descriptions of its main events/segments/portions/whatever, the characters that appeared/debuted/cameos, the ending theme singers, and also links to my impressions post.

Episode 27
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Bulgaria, Egypt, Feliciano, Ludwig

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Allied Forces Meeting: Alfred obtains Ludwig's Military Diary
  • Ludwig's Military Diary: Feliciano cooks at Ludwig's kitchen
  • Ludwig's Military Diary: Feliciano being attacked
  • Ludwig's Military Diary: Feliciano invades Egypt
  • Ludwig's Military Diary: Ludwig's at his limit
  • Allied Forces Meeting: Friends?
  • Ludwig's Military Diary: Feliciano + Kitty

Episode 28
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Roderich, Tino

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: Making Christmas Trees
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World (Allied Forces VS Axis Powers) Take 4: Merry Christmas!
  • Shouting SOS at the Heart of the World: What is that?

Episode 29
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Baltics

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Ivan jumps to the snow
  • Francis tells Arthur the news about Ivan
  • Ivan and the Baltics: Ivan is home
  • Ivan and the Baltics: What happened to Ivan's clothes
  • Ivan and the Baltics: Why Raivis is small
  • The Baltics: They're scared
  • The Baltics: Dinner
  • Alfred, Arthur, and ice cream
  • Baltics introduction (Trembling Trio)

Episode 30
~~ My Impressions

Arthur, Kiku

Ending Theme Singer: Kiku

  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance: Mt. Fuji?
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance: A Tengu is waving
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance: Noise of a girl
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance: At the bath
  • Anglo-Japanese Alliance: The spirits bid farewell

Episode 31
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Tino, Vash

Ending Theme Singer: Feliciano

  • Hetalia Academy: Topic
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in Italy
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in Japan
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in Switzerland
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in America
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in Russia
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in China
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in France
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in Finland
  • Hetalia Academy: Christmas in Germany
  • Hetalia Academy: After the information gathering
  • Hetalia Academy: Kiku catches Arthur

Episode 32
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Rome

Ending Theme Singer: Ludwig

  • Ludwig + Rome: Suspicious man in Ludwig's room
  • Ludwig + Rome: Why Rome is there
  • Ludwig + Rome: Talking about sex
  • Ludwig + Rome:Rome background
  • Ludwig + Rome: Why Rome disappeared
  • Feliciano's awake

Episode 33
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Antonio, Arthur, Feliciano, Lovino, Ludwig

Ending Theme Singer: Feliciano

  • I Hate This Kind of Cafe 1 (Ludwig): Scolded upon arrival
  • I Hate This Kind of Cafe 1 (Ludwig): Menu given verbally
  • I Hate This Kind of Cafe 1 (Ludwig): Time limits
  • I Hate This Kind of Cafe 1 (Ludwig): Leaving for home = Eternal parting
  • Wish Upon a Star
  • I Hate This Kind of Cafe 2 (Antonio): Long time no customer

Episode 34
~~ My Impressions

Allied Forces, Axis Powers, Greece, Lovino, Matthew

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Feliciano's combat career record
  • Ludwig goes sightseeing in Italy
  • Axis Powers Bentou
  • Japanese Beef Stew
  • Allied Forces Meeting: The one who's been drawing the pictures
  • Allied Forces Meeting: Strange drawings
  • Allied Forces Meeting: Yao's drawing
  • Preview: Canada and Greece

Episode 35
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Alfred, Arthur, Cuba, Greece, Ivan, Lovino, Matthew

Ending Theme Singer:

  • G8 Meeting: The Missing Member
  • Matthew + Kumajiro: Why do I not stand out?
  • Francis + Greece: Talk about the ruins
  • Trivia: Francis suggests Olympics
  • Modern Olympics: Francis is naked
  • Modern Olympics: Francis is arrested
  • Matthew + Cuba: Matthew's being accused as Alfred

Episode 36
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Kiku

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Alfred + Kiku: Winter
  • Alfred + Kiku: After Christmas
  • Alfred + Kiku: Kiku calls Alfred

Episode 37
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Baltics, Francis, Ivan, Lovino

Ending Theme Singer:

  • World War 2: Ludwig and Ivan became friends
  • Ivan's House: Picking what to wear
  • Wolrd War 2: Feliciano's Nightmare
  • Feliciano asks Francis for Advice: Shove your ass
  • Feliciano asks Francis for Advice: Tell directly
  • Ivan's House: Baltics have to come along
  • Preview: Kiku found a letter

Episode 38
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Ivan, Matthew, Peter, Tino

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Kiku found a letter
  • Feliciano's letter to Ludwig
  • Pinky Swear
  • Agreement between Ludwig and Feliciano
  • Trivia: Pact of Steel
  • G8 Meeting: Where is Matthew?
  • Preview: Battle for America

Episode 39
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Antonio, Arthur, Francis, HRE, Netherlands, Scotland, Tino

Ending Theme Singer:

  • HRE's Dream: Farewell
  • Trivia: 17th Century - New Sweden
  • Battle for America: He's one of us
  • Battle for America: Resemblance
  • Battle for America: Alfred becomes Arthur's brother

Episode 40
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Feliciano, Francis, Gilbert, HRE, Roderich

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Battle for America: He's my little brother
  • Trivia: I'll be happy as long as I get to punch Francis
  • Battle for America: Arthur vs Francis battle field
  • Battle for America: Alfred chooses
  • Battle for America: Arthur as Alfred's official guardian
  • HRE's Dream: Chibitalia wakes him up

Episode 41
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Alfred, Arthur, Francis

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Feliciano opens his eyes for a change
  • Taking Away Japan's Willpower: Messing with the symbol
  • Trivia: America's Legend of the Fuji
  • Taking Away Russia's Willpower: Condoms
  • Manipulating Public Opinion with Francis-niichan: The duo
  • Manipulating Public Opinion with Francis-niichan: Spreading rumors about Ludwig
  • Manipulating Public Opinion with Francis-niichan: He's not a bad guy
  • Manipulating Public Opinion with Francis-niichan: Francis' attitude towards Ludwig and Feliciano
  • Manipulating Public Opinion with Francis-niichan: Arthur tells Feliciano that Ludwig hates him
  • Manipulating Public Opinion with Francis-niichan: They're pissed
  • Alfred + Feliciano: Reading the atmosphere

Episode 42
~~ My Impressions

Arthur, Ivan, Natalia, Raivis, Ukraine

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Ivan's Older and Younger Sister introduction
  • Ivan's Older Sister: Ukraine introduction
  • Ivan's Older Sister: She's poor
  • Ivan's Older Sister: Ukraine re-introduction
  • Ivan's Older Sister: She's silly and a crybaby
  • Ivan's Younger Sister: Natalia's introduction
  • Ivan's Younger Sister: She really likes him but...
  • Ivan's Younger Sister: Natalia's re-introduction
  • Ivan's Younger Sister: She's a strong-willed and tenacious girl.... not in a good way
  • Trivia: Ukraine
  • Trivia: Natalia
  • Trivia: Natalia loves Ivan

Episode 43
~~ My Impressions

Baltics, Feliciano, Ivan, Lovino, Natalia, Ukraine

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Ivan's Older Sister: Ukraine bids farewell
  • Ivan's Older Sister: She's looking for friends
  • The Soviet Union
  • Ivan and the Italians become friends
  • Baltic nations relationship
  • Ivan's Childhood: Scarf
  • Francis' radio show
  • Preview: Chalk drawing

Episode 44
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Cuba, Kiku, Liechtenstein, Matthew, Vash

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Trivia: Customs in Switzerland and Liechtenstein
  • Vash's Short Course on Self-defense: Beware of strangers
  • Vash's Short Course on Self-defense: Be wary of wild animals
  • Trivia: America and Japan learn each other's cultures by visiting each other
  • Kiku and Alfred: Kiku and cake in America
  • Matthew + Cuba: Recap
  • Trivia: Matthew's grudge against Alfred
  • Alfred and Matthew: Matthew decides to tell Alfred off
  • Alfred and Matthew: Matthew speaks up
  • Preview: Depression in Liechtenstein

Episode 45
~~ My Impressions

Liechtenstein, Vash

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Liechtenstein and Her Beloved Brother: Making onii-sama happy
  • Liechtenstein + Switzerland flashback: Depression in Liechtenstein
  • Liechtenstein + Switzerland flashback: First meeting
  • Liechtenstein + Switzerland flashback: He saved her
  • Liechtenstein and Her Beloved Brother: Why did you save me?
  • Trivia: Liechtenstein and Switzerland after WW1

Episode 46
~~ My Impressions

Arthur, Feliciano, Francis, Ludwig

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Ludwig orders Feliciano to put a grenade
  • Trivia: British King loved French culture
  • British Fashion in the Middle Ages: Francis shows off to Arthur
  • British Fashion in the Middle Ages: Arthur escapes from the bishop
  • British Fashion in the Middle Ages: Arthur finally looks at a mirror
  • British Fashion in the Middle Ages: Golden Caterpillar!
  • British Fashion in the Middle Ages: New Hairstyle 1
  • British Fashion in the Middle Ages: New Hairstyle 2
  • British Fashion in the Middle Ages: New(?) Hairstyle 3

Episode 47
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Elizaveta, Feliciano, Feliks, Francis, Roderich

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Chibitalia: After HRE's farewell
  • Trivia: WW2 - France and England try to convince Poland
  • At Feliks' House: Arthur and Francis try to convince Feliks
  • Trivia: Common Defence Pact
  • At Feliks' House: Feliks' preparations
  • France on a sofa (Epilogue of his and Arthur's visit at Feliks' place)
  • Arthur and young Alfred: Arthur has to leave
  • Arthur and young Alfred: Arthur returns
  • Chibitalia sings Maru Kaite Chikyuu

Episode 48
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Elizaveta, Feliciano, Ludwig, Roderich

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Chibitalia: Piano playing.... then Maru Kaite Chikyuu singing
  • Feliciano wants to play soccer
  • Arthur Catches a Cold
  • Ludwig, Feliciano, and helmet
  • Chibitalia: All grown up
  • Chibitalia: He's a boy

Episode 49
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Francis, Kiku, Matthew

Ending Theme Singer:

  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Milkman Kiku
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Isolation
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Learning French Culture
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Flying kiss
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Imitating Francis
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Clairvoyance
  • Matthew + Kumajiro: Why am I not noticeable?
  • Alfred + Matthew: Symbol on Forehead

Episode 50
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Kiku

Ending Theme Singer:

  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Alfred's visit
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Table Turning
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Table Turning Trial 1 - Neighbor's Shiro get a wife?
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Table Turning Trial 2 - Get along from now on?
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Let's party!
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Missing the old era
  • The Civilization and Enlightenment of Japan: Epilogue (Guinea pig + rabbit)

Episode 51
~~ My Impressions

Axis Powers, Alfred

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Ludwig wakes Feliciano: Pretending
  • Ludwig wakes Feliciano: Cold
  • Alfred's Situation with Ghosts: Alfred asks Kiku to watch with him
  • Alfred's Situation with Ghosts: Horror movie watching begins
  • Alfred's Situation with Ghosts: Ghost picture
  • Alfred's Situation with Ghosts: Look at it closely
  • Alfred's Situation with Ghosts: Another favor
  • Alfred's Situation with Ghosts: Kiku checks up on Alfred

Episode 52
~~ My Impressions

Alfred, Arthur, Cuba, Feliciano, Francis, Kiku, Matthew

Ending Theme Singer:

  • Chibitalia: HRE and his dog playing by the river
  • Chibitalia: Chibitalia joins in
  • HRE's Dream: It's all a dream~
  • Kiku and Alfred: Alfred and tourist spots in Japan
  • Arthur mistakes Matthew for Alfred
  • Matthew + Cuba: Cuba apologizes
  • Matthew + Cuba: Matthew visits Cuba
  • Chibitalia: Sleeping baby


  • I use their human names simply to lessen the... errr... awkwardness. Nations names will be used for those without human names.
  • Axis Powers (Feliciano, Ludwig, Kiku), Allied Forces (Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Ivan, Yao), Baltics (Toris, Eduard, Raivis)
  • HRE = Holy Roman Empire
  • Chibitalia isn't referred as a different person/character (Feliciano = Chibitalia)
  • They are not official titles, at least not all.
  • Screenshots are from the official anime site
  • For any corrections, feel free to say so.
  • Originally posted at previous blog: Hyper Parfait.

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